How To Choose Clip-In Human Hair Extensions

Clip-in hair extensions are the most user-friendly way to lengthen your hair. However, selecting the right kind of Remy clip-in hair extensions can be difficult if you don’t know which features are most important to you.

How To Choose the Right Hair Extension Length

Do you wish that you, like many celebrities, had gorgeous, long locks of hair that flowed past your shoulders? Now you can! With clip-ins, extensions, and proper techniques, you can have the same look as your favorite celebrities. To choose the right human hair extensions for yourself, first, decide how much longer you want your hair to be. The most popular hair extensions are either too long or too short for most people. Too long, your hair will look unbalanced; too short, and no one might notice you've gotten extensions. Ideally, your extensions should be about an inch or less long than your own hair.

If you are not sure what length to buy, ask your stylist. If your hair is layered or curly, it can be confusing to determine its true length. But if you buy longer clip-ins and need them cut, you can always have them cut by a professional and re-style them!

Match Your Hair Color To Hair Extensions

Getting the perfect color match can be tough, especially if you don't have a stylist to help you. Try these tips:

● If you’re not sure about the color of your hair, go for a slightly darker shade rather than lighter, as the hair under the crown may be darker. This is because of sun bleaching that occurs to the hair on top.

● Choose your hair color based on the color of your hair tips, not on your roots. The tips are what you see most often; so if you want to shake things up and go with a color that's out of the ordinary, this is the best place to start!

Choose the Right 

To choose the extension that is right for you, think about what works best with your schedule, your beauty regimen, and the thickness and texture of your natural hair. I like to be able to wash my hair as soon as I get out of bed in the morning so synthetic extensions work well for me. They’re quick to install and remove, and because I use extensions that match the style and texture of my natural hair, I never have to work much with styling at all. 

However, if you want a more versatile option, clip-in hair extensions human hair are a great choice! Human hair is generally more versatile: you can dye or style it using heat tools as much as you like.


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